Future Network & Mobile Summit 2010
16 - 18 June 2010,
Florence, Italy
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Call for PapersPapers of 6 - 8 pages are invited for Future Network and MobileSummit 2010. The conference language is English and papers should be Research, Technical, Visionary or Techno-Economic Scenarios in focus. Papers must highlight Level of Innovation as well as Actual or Expected Impact. Papers must present Analysis of Initial or Final Research Results, including where appropriate, Results of Commercial Exploitation. It should focus on a research topic on which either a case study, initial or final results can be published. General project descriptions are not appropriate. Thematic Priorities- Radio Access and Spectrum - Converged and Optical Networks - Future Internet Technologies Please visit conference themes for a more detailed breakdown under each thematic priority. Publishing schedule for Future Network and MobileSummit 2010The publishing schedule for Future Network and MobileSummit 2010 is as follows: - Papers (6 - 8 pages using Future Network and MobileSummit Template) submitted online by 08 December - Feedback from Technical Programme Committee provided by 08 February 2010 - Submission of Final Paper Camera Ready Paper (using Future Network and MobileSummit Template) online by 08 March for editorial review and quality check Terms and Conditions related to submitting papers- All papers submitted by 08 December will be independently blind reviewed by at least two members of the TPC. Authors should therefore ensure that their names or any author-identifying information (including acknowledgements) are not included, in the Word or PDF document submitted; - All author and co-author details will be input as part of the online submission form and the Organising Committee will only contact the submitting author. Please note that Technical Programme Committee Members will not have access to author/co-author details. - The decision of the TPC in relation to the acceptance of papers is final; - Each presenter will present one paper in the Programme. While an author is welcome to submit more than one paper, in the event that more than one paper is accepted, it is necessary to agree a presenter for each paper with co-authors that is not already in the Programme; - Authors will act on feedback and comments provided by the TPC to ensure high quality conference proceedings; - Presenters will submit a copy of their presentation as a PowerPoint or PDF online in advance of the conference so that their Session Chair can provide feedback to ensure high quality conference presentations; - All presenters will register and pay the participant's fee by 31 March 2010, prior to the publication of the Final Programme. |
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